The more lean muscle mass a person has, the more lean body mass they have. Having lean body mass helps create and support overall health. Studies show that when someone exercises and strength trains, using either external weights or their body weight to create resistance, they reduce their fat to muscle ratio. In addition, when a person has lean body mass, they have a higher basal metabolic rate. Having a high BMR means that the body works efficiently to burn calories at rest. Yes, when you have more muscle your body will actually burn calories even when its at rest!

How To Increase Lean Body Mass at Home

Home exercises can often build muscle just as effectively as going to the gym and using external weights. By selecting activities and methods that activate both passive and active tension, muscle growth can be achieved. Instead of heading out to the gym, try using these exercise tools at home or in the park to increase your lean body mass.

Stability Ball

A stability ball is ideal for home gym equipment. Using a stability ball helps to engage the core muscles in your abs, sides, and back, which can help with so many things including back pain, balance, posture, prevention of falls and more. Exercises one can use with the stability ball include wall squats, abdominal crunches, and planks.  This YouTube video shows a free, introductory stability ball core strength exercise program to get you started. 

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are versatile and are perfect to pack when traveling. For people with mobility or grip issues, resistance bands make a great alternative to lifting free weights. By following the right tutorials or doctor’s instructions, a person can use resistance bands for a full-body workout.  There are lots of ideas online, but be sure to talk with your JCMC healthcare provider before you begin so that you minimize the risk of injury while maximizing your results. 

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises require no equipment and are quite effective in developing lean body mass. For older people or those just starting with strength training, it’s also easy to modify bodyweight exercises with a change in position. For example, kneeling during a push-up can make it easier, yet it’s still an effective bodyweight exercise. A person with limitations in their wrist can do standing push-ups while pushing against the wall or counter. Angling the hands in unique positions can also target different muscle groups. Talk with your doctor, but don’t let limitations stand in your way; there are always modifications that can get you to the results you seek.

Chair Exercises

Older adults or people with mobility limitations can still get the strength training they need with various chair exercises. There are many chair yoga classes available in the North Carolina area as well; just ask Google for a class near you.  According to California Mobility, exercising 30 minutes per day can help keep the heart healthy, possibly preventing heart disease or strokes. When performing chair exercises, you can use light free weights or resistance bands to help make the exercise more effective. Chair exercises can strengthen the core muscles, major muscle groups like the pectorals in the chest, and even the quadriceps on the legs. 

Exercising at home is economical, convenient, and easy to do. Home fitness can be adapted to suit your individual limitations, needs, and goals.  Before beginning any exercise program, you should consult with a doctor at JCMC Health to develop a program that’s suitable for your fitness level.