It’s important to keep kids active throughout childhood for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Kids who get enough exercise perform better in many areas of life. As screens become more engaging and more readily available to kids, it’s more important than ever to take a mindful approach to physical activity. While children once spent hours outside in the natural course of the day, they now need more mindful direction to get up and move. Here are some suggestions to keep kids active while enjoying the destinations and amenities in North Carolina.

The Importance of Active Kids

Regular activity is critically important for healthy children at any age. Those who are inactive are more likely to become overweight or obese at a young age. Regular physical activity is linked to better performance in schools. Children who are active make the connection between practice and performance at a young age. Building physical skills helps them build confidence and playing with others encourages teamwork and cooperation. All of these things lead to happier kids.

Active Play Through Pre-K

Early childhood is a vital period for establishing habits of physical activity. Children who are active in their preschool years are more likely to continue that level of activity into primary school. Between the ages of 1 and 5 years, children should engage in at least three hours of physical activity each day. Romp n’ Roll in Raleigh offers classes for children between 3 months and 5 years that include physical activity as well as music and art.

Physical play at home can include things like:

  • Playing on toddler-size playgrounds.
  • Chasing bubbles.
  • Bouncing, hitting, or kicking large, soft balls.
  • Dancing to music.
  • Playing on tot-size scooters or trikes.

Activities for Elementary-Age Kids

Children in elementary school should be physically active for at least one hour a day at home. This is typically accompanied by periods of activity at school during recess or in gym class. You can encourage physical activity at home by:

Fun for Middle School Students

By middle school, many kids will be involved in sports, which can provide hours of activity through practice and games. Children who aren’t active in sports or are away from practice over summer break may need engaging incentives to keep moving. Consider activities like:

  • Bouncing on trampolines, playing laser tag, and climbing the indoor ropes course at Galaxy Fun Park.
  • Visiting the batting cages at Frankie’s.
  • Biking along the 5.9-mile Art to Heart trail.
  • Playing games like tennis or volleyball together—find facilities through your local Parks & Rec website.
  • Participating in fitness challenges like 5Ks or family fun runs.

If you’re concerned about your child’s physical activity level, weight, or overall health, speak with your healthcare provider at JCMC. Pediatric treatment is available at the Swansboro, Jacksonville, Sneads Ferry, Wilmington, Cape Carteret, and Richland locations. A licensed physician can provide personalized recommendations to help keep kids active and healthy at any age.