Exercise isn’t easy when you’re half-scared to go out of the house. With gyms and playgrounds closed, options are limited for keeping yourself and your family moving. Plenty of people are ordering exercise equipment for their homes, but so many are doing it, your order is probably delayed. 

So how can you and your family keep moving? 

Why Bother? 

People are experiencing a wide range of emotions this year, and sometimes, exercise is the last thing you want to do. Exercise is work, right? Some days, you’re happy just to get through the day. Depression, mood swings, and anxiety are becoming more common with more people unemployed, children at home, and economic uncertainty. 

JCMC’s Dr. David Ahlberg said he’s seeing many more people with stress and related symptoms, and exercise is often his first prescription. 

“Exercise and movement boost your mood and are part of any comprehensive treatment for stress, anxiety, and depression,” Ahlberg said. “We meet with each person to further define what treatment or prescriptions may help, but a daily walk is the best place to start — even before you see your doctor.”

Studies show if you can find a way to work in some action, you’ll feel better — and it doesn’t have to be formal exercise. Moving around your house counts, too, Whether formal or informal, exercise can:

  • Increase serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin helps you regulate sleep, your appetite, and your mood. 
  • Increase endorphins, which make you feel happy. 
  • Reduce chemicals that can make depression worse.
  • Help you regulate sleep, making a world of difference in your mood and how you feel.  
  • Help you cope with stress. 

3 Fun Ways to Exercise 

Knowing you should exercise is not the same as getting it done. One of the most common hurdles with exercise is that it’s difficult and hard work. But in this case, we just want you to keep moving; exercise doesn’t have to be a full hour of lifting weights and running three miles. 

Here are some fun ideas to keep moving for you and your family: 

  1. Zumba or dance. Get moving in the safety of your living room by turning up the music and dancing it out. Or, turn on YouTube videos with Zumba or other dance-based workouts. No one is there to laugh at your uncoordinated moves! Plus, 20 minutes of dancing will lift your heart rate — and your mood. 
  2. A walk. An after-dinner walk will help you digest, and it’s an excellent way to take part in screen-free family time. It’s free and easy; step out your door. Take advantage of the wide-open beaches here on the North Carolina coast or find a local pathway, greenway, or park. Or, if you prefer, pluck your dusty bicycle from the garage and give it a go. 
  3. Games and sports. Does your family like flag football? Soccer? You can throw a Frisbee, set up the badminton court, or jump on the trampoline. Croquet, anyone? Hiking, skateboarding, kayaking, and rollerskating or rollerblading are ways to have fun while putting your body in motion. 

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