Your health and wellness are our top priority. Each month we publish blogs which we hope will be conversation-starters with JCMC Healthcare providers. Our blogs are not medical advice. If you have any health questions or concerns, please schedule an appointment with your JCMC Healthcare provider today.
What is a Nurse Practitioner, and Why Does JCMC Hire Them?
National Nurse Practitioner Week is celebrated in mid-November. NPs are probably one of the roles you don't know much about, so let's highlight these critical team members and what they do.
3 Things Your JCMC Doctor Wishes You Knew about Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a happy holiday, but believe it or not, accident rates increase this time of year. Here's what your doctor wants you to know.
Fall Allergies: What to Expect
As if COVID-19 wasn't already enough, fall allergies are starting to take over. Let's discuss what to expect.
COVID and The Flu Season: What to Know This Year
Here is what to know about the flu season during the COVID-19 pandemic.