Sasidharan Taravath, MD
Dr. Sasidharan Taravath, MD is a Pediatric and Adult Neurology Specialist practicing in Jacksonville and Wilmington, NC and has over 51 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Taravath has been practicing pediatric neurology and sleep medicine since 1992.
Dr. Taravath and his team treat conditions such as epilepsy, headaches and movement disorders. He also specializes in botox treatment in spasticity and migraines.
Dr. Taravath treats various pediatric sleep issues. Some of these include behavioral insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, enuresis, narcolepsy, nightmares, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, sleep disordered breathing, sleep walking, snoring, and tonsillar hypertrophy.
When he isn’t hard at work, he enjoys yoga, meditation, golfing and spending time with his two youngest children.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Practice Location
- JCMC Wilmington
- 5710 Oleander Drive, Suite 200
- Wilmington, NC 28403
- JCMC Neurology
- 156 Memorial Court
- Jacksonville, NC 28546